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Peru is not responsible for the dismissal of a judge through disciplinary proceedings


San José, Costa Rica, January 18, 2024. – In the Judgment in the Case of Cajahuanca Vásquez v. Peru, notified today, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights declared that the State of Peru is not responsible for the violation of the right to a fair trial (article 8), freedom from ex post facto laws (article 9), right to participate in government (article 23) and right to judicial protection (article 25) of the American Convention on Human Rights to the detriment of Humberto Cajahuanca Vásquez.

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  • 1057 results
  • Venezuela es responsable por la violación a los derechos políticos y la protección judicial en perjuicio de Henrique Capriles Radonski durante las elecciones de 2013

    San José, Costa Rica, diciembre 2 de 2024.- En la sentencia, notificada hoy, en el caso Capriles Vs. Venezuela, la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos declaró la responsabilidad internacional del Estado de Venezuela por la violación a los derechos políticos, la libertad de expresión, la igualdad ante la ley, las garantías judiciales y la protección judicial en perjuicio de Henrique Capriles Radonski, en el marco del proceso electoral de 2013.

    Spanish version

  • La Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos anuncia el cronograma de Períodos de Sesiones de 2025

    San José, Costa Rica, noviembre 29 de 2024.- La Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos sesionará durante el 2025 de manera híbrida, con actividades presenciales y virtuales, durante los siguientes períodos:

    Spanish version

  • Colombia es responsable de la violación a los derechos a recurrir el fallo condenatorio y a la protección judicial en sentencia dictada a aforado constitucional

    San José, Costa Rica, noviembre 22 de 2024.- En la sentencia, notificada hoy, en el caso Arboleda Gómez Vs. Colombia, la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos declaró la responsabilidad internacional del Estado de Colombia por la violación a los derechos a recurrir el fallo condenatorio y a la protección judicial en perjuicio del señor Saulo Arboleda Gómez. Dicha violación ocurrió al haber dictado la Sala de Casación Penal de la Corte Suprema de Justicia, en el año 2000, una sentencia condenatoria en única instancia por el delito de interés ilícito en la celebración de contratos.

    Spanish version

  • Chile es responsable internacionalmente por la violación de distintos derechos en el marco del proceso penal seguido contra miembros del Pueblo Mapuche que efectuaron actos de protesta pacífica

    San José, Costa Rica, noviembre 21 de 2024. - En la Sentencia del Caso Huilcamán Paillama y otros Vs. Chile, notificada hoy, la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos declaró a la República de Chile responsable internacionalmente por las violaciones a derechos humanos cometidas con ocasión del proceso penal contra 135 personas integrantes del Pueblo indígena Mapuche, en el contexto de las acciones emprendidas por la organización Consejo de Todas las Tierras en el periodo 1989-1992, con el objeto de exigir la reivindicación de sus derechos.

    Spanish version

  • Nicaragua es responsable internacionalmente por la falta de protección de propiedad comunitaria y de consulta adecuada respecto de los Pueblos Rama y Kriol y la Comunidad Negra Indígena Creole de Bluefields

    San José, Costa Rica, noviembre 18 de 2024. – La Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos declaró responsable internacionalmente a la República de Nicaragua en la Sentencia en el Caso Pueblos Rama y Kriol, Comunidad Negra Creole Indígena de Bluefields y otros Vs. Nicaragua.

    Spanish version

  • Perú es responsable internacionalmente por demora en la ejecución de una sentencia de amparo que protegía el derecho a la negociación colectiva de miembros del Sindicato Único de Trabajadores de ECASA (SUTECASA)

    San José, Costa Rica, noviembre 15 de 2024. – En la Sentencia del caso Miembros del Sindicato Único de Trabajadores de Ecasa (Sutecasa) Vs. Perú, notificada hoy, la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos declaró la responsabilidad internacional del Estado del Perú por la violación de los derechos a las garantías judiciales, a la protección judicial, a la libertad de asociación, a la participación en la dirección de asuntos públicos y a la negociación colectiva, en perjuicio de los integrantes de dicho Sindicato.

    Spanish version

  • Guatemala es responsable internacionalmente por la desaparición forzada de cuatro defensores de derechos humanos

    San José, Costa Rica, noviembre 14 de 2024. - En la Sentencia del Caso Pérez Lucas y otros Vs. Guatemala, notificada hoy, la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos declaró a la República de Guatemala responsable internacionalmente por las violaciones a derechos humanos cometidas en perjuicio de los señores Agapito Pérez Lucas, Nicolás Mateo, Macario Pú Chivalán y Luis Ruiz Luis, y sus familiares ocurrida en 1989.

    Spanish version

  • Ecuador is responsible for the violation of the rights to life and personal integrity due to the extrajudicial killing and torture of Gustavo Washington Hidalgo

    San José, Costa Rica, October 25, 2024. – In the Judgment in the Case of Hidalgo et al. v. Ecuador, notified today, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, after considering the facts, declared the international responsibility of the State of Ecuador for the violation of the rights to life and personal integrity to the detriment of Gustavo Washington Hidalgo, who was tortured and extrajudicially killed by state agents while in their custody. Moreover, it declared the responsibility of the State for the violation of the rights to judicial guarantees and judicial protection as a result of the lack of due diligence in the investigation of the facts, and the violation of the rights to personal integrity and the rights of the child, to the detriment of his next of kin.

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  • The Inter-American Court of Human Rights held a one-day training session in Panama

    San José, Costa Rica, October 24, 2024. – In the context of the celebration of the 45th anniversary of its installation, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, through its Training Center, and the Attorney General’s Office of Panama, held on October 21st a one-day training session on the work of the Inter-American Court, the impact of its jurisprudence, control of conventionality and economic, social, cultural and environmental rights.

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    Portuguese version

  • Inter-American Court of Human Rights held its 170th Regular Session

    San José, Costa Rica, October 24, 2024. – The Inter-American Court of Human Rights held its 170th Regular Session from September 30 to October 18, 2024. It deliberated the judgment in six contentious cases and one request for an advisory opinion.

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  • Venezuela is responsible for the arbitrary detention and violation of the judicial guarantees of retired general Jesús Poggioli Pérez

    San José, Costa Rica, October 3, 2024. - In the Judgment in the Case of Poggioli Pérez v. Venezuela, notified today, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights declared the State of Venezuela responsible for the violation of the rights to personal liberty, personal integrity, protection of honor, judicial guarantees and judicial protection, to the detriment of Ovidio Jesús Poggioli Pérez, Brigadier General retired from the Venezuelan Army, due to the illegal and arbitrary detention as well as the violation of due process that the victim was subject to in two proceedings before the criminal military jurisdiction.

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    Portuguese version

  • Perú es responsable internacionalmente en el Caso Yangali Iparraguirre

    San José, Costa Rica, octubre 01 de 2024. - En la Sentencia del Caso Yangali Iparraguirre Vs. Perú, notificada hoy, la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos declaró a la República del Perú responsable internacionalmente por la violación de los derechos a las garantías judiciales y a la protección judicial, en perjuicio del señor Gino Ernesto Yangali Iparraguirre.

    Spanish version

  • Launch of self-taught Courses in english and portuguese of the IACtHR Training Center

    San José, Costa Rica, September 27, 2024. As part of its 45th anniversary, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights is pleased to announce the launch of the English version of the self-taught course “The Right to Freedom of Expression in the Case Law of the IACHR,” and the Portuguese version of the self-taught course “The Rights of Indigenous and Tribal Peoples in the Case Law of the IACHR.”

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    Portuguese version

  • Inter-American Court visited Colombia to monitor compliance with judgments

    San José, Costa Rica, September 30, 2024. – A delegation from the Inter-American Court and the Registrar’s Office conducted a visit to Bogotá, Colombia, from September 23 to 26, 2024, to hold private hearings on monitoring compliance with judgments in five cases, a roundtable on compliance with the measure to search for the whereabouts and/or identify the remains of disappeared persons. Meetings were held with several State authorities, as well as an activity to commemorate the 45th anniversary of the installation of the I/A Court HR. The delegation of the Court was led by Judge Ricardo C. Pérez Manrique, accompanied by Ana Lucía Aguirre, Director a.i. of the Unit of Monitoring Compliance with Judgment of the Registrar’s Office, and Ana Lucía Ugalde, an attorney from that Unit.

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    English version

  • Inter-American Court of Human Rights will hold its 170th Regular Session

    San José, Costa Rica, September 27, 2024. – The Inter-American Court of Human Rights will hold its 170th Regular Session from September 30 to October 18, 2024. It will deliberate the judgment in six contentious cases and a request for an advisory opinion.

    Spanish version
    English version

  • Chile is responsible for the violation of the rights to judicial guarantees, judicial protection and personal integrity for the application of the “half statute of limitations” to criminal sentences related to crimes against humanity

    San José, Costa Rica, September 26, 2024. - In the judgment notified today in the Case of Vega González et al. v. Chile, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights declared the international responsibility of the State of Chile for the violation of the rights to judicial guarantees and judicial protection to the detriment of 49 victims and the right to personal integrity of 99 next of kin, among other violations.

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    English version

  • Inter-American Court concludes educational activity held by its Training Center in Paraguay

    San José, Costa Rica, September 24, 2024. – In the context of the visit to Paraguay for monitoring compliance with judgment and the celebration of the 45th anniversary since its installation, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, through its Training Center, along with the Human Rights Department of the Supreme Court of Justice of Paraguay, held an event for dissemination and training on the jurisprudence of the I/A Court HR regarding corruption, human rights and judicial independence.

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    English version

  • The Inter-American Court of Human Rights conducted an on-site visit to three indigenous communities in Paraguay

    San José, Costa Rica, September 23, 2024. – A delegation from the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and its Secretariat visited Paraguay from September 16 to 20, 2024. During their stay, they performed three on-site visits to the Sawhoyamaxa, Yakye Axa and Xákmok Kásek Indigenous Communities in the Paraguayan Chaco. In Asunción, they held private hearings on monitoring compliance with judgment for these three cases and in the case of the “Juvenile Reeducation Institute.” In addition, an activity was held in Asunción to celebrate the 45th anniversary of the installation of the Court, and several protocol activities were also performed.

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  • Corte Interamericana realizó visita Guatemala para supervisar cumplimiento de sentencias

    San José, Costa Rica, 17 de septiembre de 2024.- Una delegación de la Corte Interamericana y su Secretaría efectuó una visita a Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala, los días 9 y 10 de septiembre de 2024, para realizar audiencias privadas de Supervisión de Cumplimiento de Sentencias, sostener reuniones con autoridades estatales y realizar una actividad de Conmemoración de los 45 años de la instalación de la Corte IDH. Por delegación de la Corte, estas actividades estuvieron a cargo de la Jueza Verónica Gómez, quien estuvo acompañada de la Secretaria Adjunta del Tribunal, Gabriela Pacheco Arias, y la Directora a.i. y la abogada de la Unidad de Supervisión de Cumplimiento de Sentencias de la Secretaría, respectivamente, Ana Lucía Aguirre y Ana Belem García Chavarría.

    Spanish version

  • Inter-American Court of Human Rights held its 169th Regular Session

    San José, Costa Rica, September 16, 2024. – The Inter-American Court of Human Rights held its 169th Regular Session from August 21 to September 6, 2024. During the session a ceremony was held to commemorate the 45th anniversary of the installation of the I/A Court HR. The Court also deliberated the judgment in six contentious cases and issued several orders of provisional measures and monitoring compliance with judgment.
    I. 45th Anniversary of

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