San Jose, Costa Rica, December 21, 2022. The Inter-American Court is pleased to announce that the following case law compendia have been updated through 2022:
- Case Law Compendium of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, No. 25: Law and order and the use of force. See here
- Case Law Compendium of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, No. 26: Restriction and suspension of human rights. See here
- Case Law Compendium of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, No. 28: Right to health. See here
The purpose of the Case Law Compendium series of the inter-American Court of Human Rights is to publicize the major lines of the Court’s jurisprudence on a variety of issues of interest and importance to the region. It is updated on a regular basis and reported over the Court’s website and social media channels.
The current task of updating the series was completed thanks to the work of Claudio Nash and the generous support of German Cooperation through the GIZ and its Costa Rica-based DIRAJus program.