San José, Costa Rica, April 17, 2023.- Today Pablo Saavedra Alessandri, Registrar of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Julieta Di Corleto, Secretary General of Training and Jurisprudence of the Office of the Public Defense of Argentina, Felipe Franco Gutiérrez, Project Coordinator for the Adenauer Foundation Rule of Law Program Latin America, and the General Coordinator of the FLACSO Project on Education and New Technologies, took part in the virtual inauguration of the Second Course on “Public Defense and Equity. Gender perspectives and intersectional prospects for effective action. A virtual experience in learning and experimentation.”
The training activity on virtual platforms will take place over the course of six weeks from May 2 through June 11, 2023, and will be led by official public defenders and personnel from offices of the public defense in Latin America. The purpose of the training, using various methodologies, is to familiarize participants with local and international legislation for recognizing the human rights of women and people of diversity.
The Registrar of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights emphasized that this activity is being organized by the Court’s Training Center and is the result of an effort shared by the four sponsoring institutions.