On October 26, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights opened a training course in El Salvador on “The Rights of Indigenous and Tribal Peoples in the Case Law of the I/A Court H.R.” The course will take place from October 26 to 30 over the videoconferencing platform of the “Dr. Arturo Zeledón Castrillo” judicial training academy, with the participation of over 50 judicial officers, including judges, public prosecutors, officers from the State's Attorney of the Republic of El Salvador, and representatives from the office of the Human Rights Ombudsman.
This training program is part of the project “Strengthening Human Rights Protection and the Rule of Law though Jurisprudential Dialog, Capacity Building and Enforcement of the Judgments of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras” that the Inter-American Court has been conducting with support from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (COSUDE) in cooperation with the “Dr. Arturo Zeledón Castrillo” judicial training academy and the national council of the judiciary.
Dr. María Antonieta Josa de Parada, President of the National Council of the Judiciary, took part in the opening ceremony. *