On November 13, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights closed a training Course in Honduras on “Impunity and serious human rights violations” that took place from November 9 to 13 over the videoconferencing platform of the “Francisco Salomón Jiménez Castro” judicial training academy. The Course was attended by over 75 judicial officers, including judges, public prosecutors and staff from the State’s Attorney of the Republic of Honduras. Professor Elizabeth Salmón Gárate taught the course, discussing issues of serious human rights violations, state responsibility, impunity, and reparations in the case law of the Inter-American Court.
The training program is part of the project “Strengthening Human Rights Protection and the Rule of Law through Jurisprudential Dialog, Capacity Building and Enforcement of the Judgments of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras,” that the Inter-American Court is holding with support from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (COSUDE) and the Honduran “Francisco Salomón Jiménez Castro” judicial training academy.