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Inter-American Court of Human Rights will hold its 162nd Regular Session in Colombia


San José, Costa Rica, September 12, 2023.- From October 9 to 13, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights will hold in Colombia its 162nd Regular Session. The event is being held at the invitation of the State of Colombia.

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  • 1083 results
  • La Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos celebró su 172 Período Ordinario de Sesiones

     San José, Costa Rica, febrero 14 de 2025. La Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos celebró entre el 27 de enero y el 12 de febrero de 2025 su 172 Período Ordinario de Sesiones de forma híbrida, en el cual se realizaron audiencias, deliberaciones y se discutieron asuntos urgentes. 

    Spanish version

  • Ecuador es responsable por actos de tortura que causaron la muerte de una persona detenida

    San José, Costa Rica, febrero 11 de 2025. En la sentencia del caso Aguas Acosta y otros Vs. Ecuador, notificada hoy, la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos declaró que el Estado del Ecuador es responsable internacionalmente por los hechos de tortura que resultaron en la muerte de Aníbal Alonso Aguas Acosta. Asimismo, la Corte determinó la violación de diversos derechos en perjuicio de los familiares del señor Aguas Acosta.  

    Spanish version

  • Corte IDH y el Instituto de Políticas Públicas del MERCOSUR invitan a inscribirse a la 2° Edición del Curso Internacional

    San José, Costa Rica, febrero 3 de 2025. – La Corte IDH y el Instituto de Políticas Públicas en Derechos Humanos del MERCOSUR (IPPDH) invitan a las personas interesadas a inscribirse en la 2° edición del Curso Internacional “Cumplimiento de Sentencias de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos y Políticas Públicas para su implementación”.

    Spanish version

  • Ecuador is internationally responsible for the violation of the rights to judicial guarantees, judicial protection and work, to the detriment of an employee of the National Fisheries Institute

    San José, Costa Rica, January 30, 2025. - In the judgment in the Case of Peralta Armijos v. Ecuador, notified today, the Inter-American Court declared the State of Ecuador responsible for the violation of the rights to judicial guarantees, judicial protection and work, to the detriment of Félix Humberto Peralta Armijos, former employee of the National Fisheries Institute (now the Public Institute for Research on Aquaculture and Fishing).

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  • Inter-American Court of Human Rights announces the results of the photography contest

    San José, Costa Rica, January 29, 2025. – Yesterday, during the Opening Ceremony of Inter-American Judicial Year 2025, the winners of the photography contest “Focusing on Rights: a photographic journey along with the I/A Court HR,” organized as part of the 45th Anniversary of the Court, were announced. The winners, chosen from more than 150 regional participants, portrayed in their photographs themes such as memory, immigration and displacement.

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  • The Inter-American Court of Human Rights celebrated the beginning of Judicial Year 2025

    San José, Costa Rica, January 27, 2025. –  The Opening Ceremony of Inter-American Judicial Year 2025 was held today, in which the new judges of the Inter-American Court for the period from 2025-2030, Judge Alberto Borea Odría and Judge Diego Moreno Rodríguez, assumed their position.

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  • Nicaragua is responsible for the violation of the political rights of Fabio Gadea Mantilla, presidential candidate of the November 2011 elections

    San José, Costa Rica, January 23, 2025. In the judgment notified today in the case of Gadea Mantilla v. Nicaragua, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights declared the international responsibility of the State of Nicaragua for the violation of the right to participate in government, judicial guarantees and judicial protection of Fabio Gadea Mantilla during the presidential elections of 2011. The Court concluded that the lack of integrity of the electoral process favored the reelection of President Daniel Ortega. In addition, it concluded that the Supreme Court of Justice and the Supreme Electoral Council showed bias and did not guarantee an effective judicial remedy to review the decisions that questioned the irregularities of the proceedings.

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  • Ecuador is responsible for violating the rights to personal liberty and due process of three individuals subjected to criminal proceedings

    San José, Costa Rica, January 23, 2025. In the judgment in the case of Reyes Mantilla et al. v. Ecuador, notified today, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights declared that the State of Ecuador is internationally responsible for the illegal and arbitrary detention of Walter Ernesto Reyes Mantilla, Vicente Hipólito Arce Ronquillo and José Frank Serrano Barrera, the victims. Moreover, it determined that the preventive detention measures applied to them entailed a violation of the rights to personal liberty, presumption of innocence, equal protection and non-discrimination. It also concluded that there was a violation of the rights to judicial guarantees and judicial protection in the criminal proceedings against them and determined that they were victims of inhumane and degrading treatment due to the aggressions and threats during the time that they were detained.

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  • Inter-American Court of Human Rights will hold its 172nd Regular Session

    San José, Costa Rica, January 23, 2025. The Inter-American Court of Human Rights will hold its 172nd Regular Session from January 27 to February 12, 2025, in hybrid format, with both virtual and in-person activities, including hearings and deliberations.

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  • Lanzamiento de tres nuevos cursos autoformativos en español del Centro de Formación de la Corte IDH

    San José, Costa Rica, diciembre 25 de 2024. La Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos se complace en anunciar el lanzamiento de tres nuevos cursos autoformativos en español en el Aula Virtual de su Centro de Formación.

    Spanish version

  • Publication of three self-study courses in French from the IACHR Training Centre

    San José, Costa Rica, December 20, 2024. The Inter-American Court of Human Rights is pleased to announce the launch of the French version of three self-study courses from its Training Center.

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    Portuguese version

  • Inter-American Court of Human Rights opens call for applications to the Internship And Professional Visits Program for French citizens

    San José, Costa Rica, December 20, 2024.- The Inter-American Court of Human Rights, with the support of the French Embassy in Costa Rica, opens a call to participate in the Assistance Fund for the Internship and Professional Visits Program.

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    Portuguese version

  • El Salvador is responsible for obstetric violence and violation of the right to health of a woman with a high-risk pregnancy due to lack of protocols for adequate medical care

    San José, Costa Rica, December 20, 2024. Today, the Inter-American Court of Human
    Rights notified its judgment in Beatriz et al. v. El Salvador. In its decision, the Court
    found the State of El Salvador internationally responsible for failing to comply with its
    obligation of due diligence by guaranteeing the rights of access to effective judicial
    remedies, personal integrity, health and privacy of a woman experiencing a pregnancy
    that involved numerous risks in a situation of obstetric violence resulting from the legal
    uncertainty concerning the legality of the actions of the medical personnel involved in
    her case.

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    San José, Costa Rica, December 20, 2024. – In the judgment notified today in the case U’wa Indigenous People and their Members v. Colombia, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights declared the international responsibility of the State of Colombia for violating the rights to collective property, political participation, access to information, participation in cultural life, a healthy environment, freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, self-determination of indigenous and tribal peoples, children’s rights, judicial guarantees, and judicial protection, to the detriment of the U’wa Indigenous People and their members.

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  • Inter-American Court Of Human Rights announces the persons selected for the Internship And Professional Visits Program

    San José, Costa Rica, December 20, 2024 – The Inter-American Court’s Internship and Professional Visits Program thanks all participants for their applications and announces the selected individuals for the January–April 2025

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  • Paraguay complied with the sentence in the Case Nissen Pessolani

    San José, Costa Rica, December 19, 2024. – In accordance with the compliance monitoring resolution issued by the Court on November 26, 2024, Paraguay has fulfilled all reparations ordered in the judgment of November 21, 2022. Therefore, the Inter-American Court decided to close and archive the case.

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  • The Inter-American Court of Human Rights held its 171st Regular Session

    San José, Costa Rica, December 18, 2024. – The Inter-American Court of Human Rights held its 171st Regular Session from November 10 to 29, 2024. During this session, eight judgments on contentious cases were approved, which will be notified later

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  • Chile complied with the Judgment in the Case of Órdenes Guerra and others

    San José, Costa Rica, December 13, 2024. – In the Judgment notified today in the case of Ubaté and Bogotá v. Colombia, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights declared the international responsibility of the State of Colombia for the violation of the rights to recognition of legal personality, life, personal integrity, personal liberty, the defense of human rights, judicial guarantees, judicial protection, and the protection of family and children due to the forced disappearance of Jhon Ricardo Ubaté Monroy and Gloria Mireya Bogotá Barbosa on May 19, 1995. It also held the State accountable for additional violations against their relatives resulting from harassment, threats, and intimidation they suffered while seeking the truth about the events. In this case, the State made a partial acknowledgment of responsibility, and the parties reached a reparations agreement

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  • Colombia is responsible for the forced disappearance of Jhon Ricardo Ubaté and Gloria Bogotá and the harassment endured by the next of kin who sought the truth of the facts

    San José, Costa Rica, December 13, 2024.- In the judgment, notified today, in the Case of Ubaté and Bogotá v. Colombia, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights declared the international responsibility of the State of Colombia for the violation of the rights to juridical personality, life, personal integrity, personal liberty, to defend human rights, judicial guarantees, judicial protection, rights of the family and rights of the child, due to the forced disappearance Jhon Ricardo Ubaté Monroy and Gloria Mireya Bogotá Barbosa, which took place on May 19, 1995, and the additional violations committed against his next of kin due to the harassment and threats that they were subject to as they sought to uncover the truth of the facts. In the instant case the State made a partial acknowledgment of responsibility, and the parties reached an agreement regarding reparations

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  • Mexico is internationally responsible for the forced disappearance of Antonio González Méndez

    San José, Costa Rica, December 12, 2024. - In the judgment in the Case González Méndez et al. v. Mexico, notified today, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights found Mexico internationally responsible for the forced disappearance committed to the detriment of Antonio González Méndez, as well as other human rights violations to the detriment of his next of kin: his wife, Zonia López Juárez, his daughters and son: Ana González López, Magdalena González López, Elma Talía González López and Gerardo González López.

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