On April 22, the Inter-American Court closed the second edition in El Salvador of the special Course on “Impunity and gross human rights violations” which was held from April 19 to 22. The event was inaugurated by the Vice President of the Court, Judge Patricio Pazmiño Freire. More than 65 officials employed in the administration of justice participated in the course, including judges, prosecutors from the Public Prosecution Service, agents of the Attorney General’s Office and representatives of the Office of the Ombudsman, together with other officials and actors who are relevant for the protection of human rights in that country. The Course was imparted by Professor Elizabeth Salmón Gárate using the videoconferencing platform of the “Dr. Arturo Zeledón Castrillo” Judicial Training Academy.
This training program forms part of the activities of the “Strengthening the protection of human rights and the rule of law through jurisprudential dialogue, optimization of capacities, and compliance with the Judgments of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras” that the Inter-American Court is executing with the support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (COSUDE), in collaboration with the “Dr. Arturo Zeledón Castrillo” Judicial Training Academy.