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Technical Data: Yarce y otras Vs. Colombia


Miryam Eugenia Rúa Figueroa, Luz Dary Ospina, Mery Naranjo, María del Socorro Mosquera y Ana Teresa Yarce

Demanded Country:  Colombia
Keywords:  Conflicto armado interno, Defensores de los derechos humanos, Derecho a la libertad personal, Fuerza Pública, Hostigamiento, Responsabilidad internacional del Estado, Violación a los derechos humanos
  See related jurisprudence
Violated rights
American Convention:  Not reccorded

Other interamerican treaty(ies) Not reccorded

Other instruments: Not reccorded
Procedure before the Interamerican Commission of Human Rights

Procedure before the Interamerican Court of Human Rights
Competence and admisibility
Recognition of International Responsibility
Analysis of the merits
Further actions to the judgment(s)
Interpretation of judgment: No data

Monitoring compliance with judgment No data