Victim(s): |
Miryam Eugenia Rúa Figueroa, Luz Dary Ospina, Mery Naranjo, María del Socorro Mosquera y Ana Teresa Yarce |
Representantive(s): |
Demanded Country: | Colombia |
Summary: | |
Keywords: | Conflicto armado interno, Defensores de los derechos humanos, Derecho a la libertad personal, Fuerza Pública, Hostigamiento, Responsabilidad internacional del Estado, Violación a los derechos humanos |
See related jurisprudence | |
Violated rights | |
American Convention: | Not reccorded |
Other interamerican treaty(ies) | Not reccorded |
Other instruments: | Not reccorded |
Facts | |
Procedure before the Interamerican Commission of Human Rights | |
Procedure before the Interamerican Court of Human Rights | |
Competence and admisibility | |
Recognition of International Responsibility | |
Analysis of the merits | |
Reparations | |
Resolutions | |
Further actions to the judgment(s) | |
Interpretation of judgment: | No data |
Monitoring compliance with judgment | No data |